Mission Statement

Welcome to the Hoosier Libertarian!
My purpose in starting this blog is to present the case for Libertariansim in both theory and action. I shall draw heavily upon the works of John Locke, Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Ludwig von Mises, F.A. Hayek, Murray Rothbard, Lew Rockwell, Ron Paul, Thomas Woods, Andrew Napolitano, and others.
So sit back and enjoy the ride.
Oh, by the way, you may want to fasten your seatbelt it's going to be a bit turbulent at times. (I may even address actual elections.)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Game's Afoot

Silly Season, otherwise known as the state legislative session has descended upon Indianapolis and it seems that the primary goal of the first few days is to play childish political games.

I will be posting my thoughts and recommendations regarding the introduced Bills beginning this weekend.

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